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  • Summer fete 26th June

    Thu 04 Jun 2015


    SUMMER FETE 2015

    FRIDAY 26th JUNE

    3.15pm – 5.30pm

    The OPA are in the midst of organizing the Summer Fete, some of the fun you have to look forward to includes BBQ, bouncy castles, year group stalls and demonstrations from the school dance clubs.

    There are a few things we’ll be asking parents to help with including donations of toys, books and second hand uniform, so a good excuse to start having a clear out. Keep your eyes open for dates to bring your donations into school nearer the time.

    We will be having a summer raffle for the fete and alongside this we’ll be doing a ‘guess the number of sweets’ and ‘name the owl’ in the week leading up to the fete.

    Lastly any parents or carers that are interested in holding a stall for a fee of £15 need to get in touch and let me know before the end of term if they haven’t already. You can email the OPA or speak to any of the committee members who will point you in my direction.

    It should be a fun afternoon with lots to do and we look forward to seeing you there.

    Emma Taylor

    On behalf of the OPA



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