Where learning, laughter, challenge and community responsibility are encouraged and celebrated!
Year 4
'Meet the Teachers' parents and carers session: Thursday 8th September 2016
It was lovely to meet and reconnect with you after the summer break. We hope all of your questions were answered during the meeting. However, please don't forget you can contact the year 4 staff through email. Most addresses are listed above; others can be found in your child's contact book.
For those of you who were unable to attend the session and wish to receive the information discussed, please place a note in your child's contact book to request a printed copy of the PowerPoint used.
Thank you.
Year 4 staff
Year 4 Block One gallery: The Great Anglo-Saxon Cook off!
The children's study of life in Anglo-Saxon times culminated in a 'Bake off style' activity; a frenzied day of chopping, slicing, tasting and cooking!
The majority of the children agreed that anglo-saxon beancakes are, in fact, quite a delicious delicacy!
Year 4 Block Two Gallery: Can you beat the buzzer?
We worked on our understanding of Electricity this term. Our experiments included trying the light a bulb using the smallest amount of components!
We then created our own buzz games to see who could navigate the metal loop without making the buzzer sound. It wasn't as easy as we thought!
Year 4 Block Three Gallery: a trip to Bough Beech reservoir
The water cycle came to life with a trip into Surrey to see how households in the United Kingdom receive clean water.
From a trek up a hill to a subterranean exploration underground, by the time we returned to school we had a much clearer understanding of WHY and HOW we should save water.
Ask your child to explain what you can do at home to save water!
4A Class Assembly: The Water Cycle - Wednesday 13th March 2017
Many thanks to those of you who were able to attend today's event. The children worked very hard and were excited to show off their acting skills. I think they did an excellent job considering they were incredibly nervous!
For those of you who missed out, please enjoy this slideshow of some of the highlights. Perhaps you can ask your child to provide a running commentary?!
4A Water Cycle assembly
Weekly homework reminders
Spellings will be stuck in your child's spellings book and will be given out on a Thursday and tested on the following Thursday. Additional resources will be explained on the test label and can be accessed on the Spelling City website.
Maths homework will be stuck in the contact books and will be given out on a Thursday to be tested on the following Thursday. Additional suggested activities to support your child's learning may be found on the Mathletics website.
Reading should take place daily. Please sign your child's contact book to indicate when they have read so that the class reading log can be updated. You can also track their progress of Accelerated Reader using your child's log in. Please visit:
Thank you for your support!
Please find below, details of your child's curriculum learning.
Curriculum learning
As part of our journey towards the implementation of our own ‘Mastery’ curriculum in September 2017, we will be moving away from using the International Primary curriculum (IPC) this year.
Teachers will be planning subject specific learning based on national curriculum objectives relevant to the age group.
Children will be encouraged to deepen their subject knowledge through independent and group work designed to promote good thinking and investigative skills.
Cross-curricular links will still be made where relevant.
The first uploaded document will explain the whole year national curriculum coverage for year 4.
Subsequent, uploaded documents will explain the block by block coverage children will be undertaking.
Curriculum documents
Contact the Year Group Leader
If you wish to make a comment or suggestion about this page or Year 4, please fill in the form below.