Where learning, laughter, challenge and community responsibility are encouraged and celebrated!
Term 1
In maths we have been looking a place value. We can write down a number and say how many tens and ones there are in that number. For the last two weeks we have been looking at measuring. We have been measuring length, weight and capacity. Our last topic is going to be looking at the different operations. We are going to be adding and subtracting numbers.
During Big Write we have been focusing on writing sentences that make sense. Our sentences now include finger spaces, capital letters and full stops. We have been writing about a variety of things that interest us.
This term we have been looking at the local area of Dartford. We have looked at the history of Dartford, what it was like before and what it is like now. The children have worked hard to recreate Oakfield Lane and the shops outside the school with boxes and other art resources. We have also been looking at the famous photographer, David Bailey. The children have taken their own pictures in the style of David Bailey and have drawn portraits of their friends.