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Year 2 - The Disney Dreamers

Welcome to...


The Disney Dreamers!



Teacher: Kerry Warner        Associate Teacher: Sandra Affection


Welcome to Year 2 and The Disney Dreamers!

As Walt Disney once said, "If you can dream it you can do it!" and the Disney Dreamers believe we can. 

This page will be updated with photographs of our learning journey and we hope you keep popping back to see all the fun, interesting and exciting things we have been doing.

Our Classroom

Term 1 'From A to B'

Term 1 will see us focusing on transport and how we can get from A to B.  We will be developing our knowledge of different types of transport from our own country and another.  We will be travelling back in time to compare how transport has changed and developed.  To end our topic, we will be taking an exciting trip to the Historic Dockyard Chatham.  We can't wait!  

Term 1

Term 2 'Say Cheese!'

This term we are looking at photography and how this influences our everyday lives.  We will be learning about the features of a camera and how to use them to take good photographs. We will also be thinking about photographs we see from around the world...would we know what theses places looked like unless we had been there?

Christmas Fun!

Term 3 'Super Humans'

This term we will be learning about the human body.  'Why do we need to eat healthy food?', 'How is exercise good for our bodies?' and 'How do our eyes, ears and tongues work?' are a few questions we will be answering.  We will be meeting some babies to observe how they use their senses to learn.  We also can't wait to find out some fun facts about the body too!

Term 3

Leeds Castle Trip

Term 4 'People of the Past'

Term 4 will see us learning lots about History.  We will be exploring people from the past and learning why we remember them today.  Christopher Columbus, Louis Braille, Florence Nightingale and Pablo Picasso are a few of the famous people we will be studying.  

Creating our own Picasso pictures

Having fun on World Book Day!

We met Florence Nightingale!

Term 5 'Night Time'

This term our learning is going to be focused on night time.  We will be learning about people that work at night and their reasons for doing this.  A trip to Wildwood will introduce us to some nocturnal animals and how they are adapted to be awake when it is dark.  Finally, we will study pictures of the night time sky to describe the stars and planets. 

Trip to Wildwood

St George's Day Parade

Inside the Astrodome

Term 6 'The Circus is Coming to Town!'

This term the circus is coming to town!  We are going to be learning all about the circus and the acts that you might see.  We will going back to Roman times to look at where the circus first started.  In Science, we will investigating materials and choosing ones that we think are best suited to costumes and circus life.  We will also discuss the use of animals in the circus and where they live in their natural habitat.

Oakfield Circus!


If you have any green ideas or want to know about what we are up to, please email us at:


Well-Being Support Email

We are pleased to offer a secure and confidential outlet for your child to share some of their thoughts about their well-being. This will work very similarly to the ‘Worry Boxes’ presently in Years 1 to 6 classrooms where children can write their concerns. Simply by emailing, your child can confidentially share any thoughts/feelings that are linked directly to their well-being. Emails will be checked daily by a senior teacher who will then offer them solutions.


Where learning, laughter, challenge and community responsibility are encouraged and celebrated!
