Where learning, laughter, challenge and community responsibility are encouraged and celebrated!
Year 4 - David's Dragons
Mrs Wickenden - Teacher Mrs Sihra - Associate Teacher
Please look around our class page and follow the exciting learning path we shall be taking in year 4.
We will be working very hard this year in all areas but enjoying ourselves as we do so.
We shall also update you and include photographs to share our magic moments!
Term 1: Temples, Tombs and Treasures
In our first topic, Temples, Tombs and Treasures, we are learned about Ancient Civilisations, in particular the Ancient Egyptians. We visited the British Museum and saw some amazing artefacts they had on display. At the end of the term we put together our own museum and invited visitors in to see our fascinating objects.
Term 2: Bright Sparks
Our topic for this term was called Bright Sparks which focused on Electricity. We were very fortunate to visit Littlebrook Power Station, as it will be closing down soon.
Term 3: Active Planet
This term our topic will be Active Planet. We will be looking in particular at earthquakes and volcanoes.
Term 4: Shake it!
This term our topic is Shake it! We will be looking at the properties of solids, liquids and gases. We will have a particular focus on the wonders of milk!
Term 5: Living Together
This term's focus is on Dartford. We will be looking at our town's history and we will be learning geographical skills too, as we investigate our particular place in the wider world.
Living Land at Detling
Parent Information
Rocking Around Britain with Andrew Berry
Science Boffins! Our entry point for Shake it!
Reading List
If you have any green ideas or want to know about what we are up to, please email us at: littlegreen.planet@oakfield.kent.sch.uk
Well-Being Support Email
We are pleased to offer a secure and confidential outlet for your child to share some of their thoughts about their well-being. This will work very similarly to the ‘Worry Boxes’ presently in Years 1 to 6 classrooms where children can write their concerns. Simply by emailing, well.being@oakfield.kent.sch.uk your child can confidentially share any thoughts/feelings that are linked directly to their well-being. Emails will be checked daily by a senior teacher who will then offer them solutions.