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Year 6

Welcome to Year 6

This is the Year 6 Group page. Here you can find out information about what we get up to in all each term.

Staff in Year 6

VE Day celebrations

Lloyds Bank financial literacy workshop

No electricity day - interpreting and constructing pie charts

History TASC afternoon

P4C - Philosophy for Children

Maths - Decimals

Curriculum - History

Curriculum - Science

As part of our journey towards the implementation of our own ‘Mastery’ curriculum in September 2017, we will be moving away from using the International Primary curriculum (IPC) this year.

Teachers will be planning subject specific learning based on national curriculum objectives relevant to the age group.

Children will be encouraged to deepen their subject knowledge through independent and group work designed to promote good thinking and investigative skills.

Where possible, pupils’ own interests will be incorporated into the curriculum in order to make learning relevant and engaging for them.

Cross-curricular links will still be made where relevant.
News from Year 6
Coming soon
Home Learning and Other Information
Coming soon

Contact the Year Group Leader

If you wish to make a comment or suggestion about this page or Year 6, please fill in the form below.


Where learning, laughter, challenge and community responsibility are encouraged and celebrated!
