Where learning, laughter, challenge and community responsibility are encouraged and celebrated!
6A - Branson
Welcome to the class page of Branson class (6A). We are looking forward to lots of exciting learning and collaboration this year! Year six is always a busy time as we work towards the SATs assessments and prepare the children for secondary transition. We look forward to sharing our class learning with you on this page. Please check below for regular updates, photos and invitations celebrations of the pupils' work.
Staff in 6A - Branson

Term 1
Our topic this term is 'Out of Africa'
Please check the IPC section of the school website for information on National Curriculum subjects covered and ideas for home learning.
'Out of Africa'
We created dinosaur skeletons out of dog biscuits; thinking about size, shape and purpose of different parts of the body.
Our topic entry point
Maths day: 'Art in Mathematics'
Year 6 spent the day investigating symmetry in kite making and applying maths learning to playground games. I think the teachers had more fun competing against each other than the pupils!
Term 2: AD 900
In line with the 2014 National curriculum, which asks primary school pupils to learn about ancient civilisations, we will be spending the term developing our knowledge of the Maya, Benin and Islamic civilisations of AD900.
Entry point and Knowledge harvest
We have begun our studies researching and gathering information on all 3 civilisations.
We looked at;
amongst other themes.
We presented our findings using Computing, Art and Drama.
As you can see from the still images below, the children approached this task with enthusiasm and interpreted their findings in many different ways!
Entry point and knowledge harvest
African mask and dance workshops
27th November 2015
Year 6 had a visit from the marvellous Education group - who are specialists in bringing the primary national curriculum to life.
Through art and dance we learnt more about the colours and rhythms of African culture.
It was lovely to be supported in these activities by some of our parents.
We hope you found the sessions as enlightening as we did.
African mask and dance workshops
African tribal dance

Term 3: 'Space Explorers'
We started next term's topic early this week by watching the launch of the British astronaut, Tim Peake, into space for his six month stay on the International Space Station!
It was fascinating to witness the build up before the countdown; Mrs Gosbee said she had goosebumps!
We then created a replica of the rocket he travelled in; the Soyuz shuttle.
Finally, we thought about questions we would like to ask the astronaut whilst he is in space. Mrs Gosbee has sent them off to Radio 4, who had invited listeners to write in with interesting questions for Tim. We wait with baited breath to hear whether ours will be read out...watch this space!
Tim Peake blasts off!
Tim_Peake For Website.avi

Unusual use of Oreos!
The children explored the phases of the moon and explained the lunar cycle rather creatively with the use a well-known brand of biscuits!
Term 4: The Holiday show
Our children had an exciting time as tourists in London this term.
Despite the nippy weather, it was all smiles as we toured the capital in an open top bus, passing some very recognisable landmarks en route!
We also learnt some amazing and unusual facts about this diverse city.
For example, did you know that all distances to London are measured from Nelson's column? Or that there is a statue commemorating the bravery of animals during World War Two?
If not, perhaps you need to get booking an open top bus tour for yourself!
Can you name any famous landmarks?
Exploration of the United Kingdom
Map reading skills and topographical knowledge were put to the test this term.
The children were tasked with the challenge of re-constructing the United Kingdom in the form of a 3D topographical map.
The brief was to include information relevant to a tourist from abroad.
Cue much hilarity when (at first) rivers and towns were placed in rather obscure places and castles were constructed from pink lego bricks!
Fortunately, I am pleased to report our map reading and knowledge improved immensely by the end of our challenge.
Test us on capital cities, rivers and famous landmarks if you dare!