Where learning, laughter, challenge and community responsibility are encouraged and celebrated!
Young Carers
There are over 10,000 Young Carers in Kent and according to BBC research there could be another 30,000 hidden Young Carers! It is important that Young Carers know that they are not alone in their caring role.
Who are Young Carers?
Young carers are children and young people (5-18 years) who look after someone in their family who has an illness, a disability, or is affected by mental ill-health or substance misuse. Most are caring for a parent but some may be taking responsibility for a sibling, grandparent, or other relative. Young carers often take on practical and/or emotional caring responsibilities that would normally be expected of an adult. The task undertaken can vary according to the nature of the illness or disability, the level and frequency of need for care and the structure of the family as a whole.
The person they look after will have one or more:
- Physical disability (including sensory disability)
- Learning disability
- Mental health problem
- Chronic illness
- Substance misuse problem
How the school can help you:
By understanding what it means to be a young carer. For example, you may struggle getting your homework in on time, you can sometimes be late for school or you may be worrying that the person you are caring for is OK.
If you need some help or support with any of these issues, please talk to an adult in your class or Clare Kent, Family Liaison Officer who can be contacted via email: clare.kent@galaxytrust.co.uk. We understand sometimes you will want things private, so we will only share information with people that can help you, unless you say we can.
We also work closely with Kent Young Carers who can also help support you when you need it. You can also refer your child to be a Young Carer on the Kent Young Carers website which can be accessed via the link above.
Pupil Parliament
This is a driving force in the school and its representatives are regularly to be found demanding the ear of governors, senior staff and parents at their meetings. As a result, they make sure pupils’ views are always considered in decision making.