Where learning, laughter, challenge and community responsibility are encouraged and celebrated!
Year 6 - Gosbee's 'Gang' stars
Meet the Team!

Welcome to Year 6, Class A!
Welcome to Gosbee's 'Gang' stars!
Teachers: Mrs Jill Gosbee / Mr Richard Tucker (Schools Direct Trainee)
Associate Teachers (AT's): Mrs Carol Stubbs / Mrs Joyce Southin
Welcome to Gosbee’s 'Gang' stars' class page. We are looking forward to a year of learning together, celebrating successes and enjoying extra-curricular activities as we work towards realising the school vision of ' Every child leaving our school being fully equipped to access secondary education and beyond'.
Term 1's topic is ‘The Holiday Show’. During this topic, we will be: developing our knowledge of different countries around the world; and understanding how travel and tourism impacts the wider environment. Additionally, we will building on a variety of skills such as - map reading, speaking and listening and effective writing.
In term 2, we will be exploring civilisations through different periods in History, through our 'AD 900' topic.
After the February half term break, following an exciting entry point to Greenwich observatory, we will become 'Space explorers' and develop our scientific understanding of light, planets and orbits.
Moving into term 5, we will become computer designers (using Scratch software) to create ICT programmes.
Finally, after successfully completing our SATs, we will be working closely as a year group on our end of year production, as we prepare for secondary transition.
I am sure you will agree that it is a jam-packed year. Therefore, we would welcome any contributions and ideas you may have to aid the children's learning.
Year 6 Images
Scroll Down to see our displays and work done by our Year 6 children.
If you have any green ideas or want to know about what we are up to, please email us at: littlegreen.planet@oakfield.kent.sch.uk
Well-Being Support Email
We are pleased to offer a secure and confidential outlet for your child to share some of their thoughts about their well-being. This will work very similarly to the ‘Worry Boxes’ presently in Years 1 to 6 classrooms where children can write their concerns. Simply by emailing, well.being@oakfield.kent.sch.uk your child can confidentially share any thoughts/feelings that are linked directly to their well-being. Emails will be checked daily by a senior teacher who will then offer them solutions.
Reading List
Parents and Carers Communication
Our Class Activities

The 'Pestaurant' comes to town!
Year 6 had an amazing time sampling unusual (and healthy) delicacies from other cultures.
Special mention needs to go to Mr. Ware and Miss. Eglin who managed to digest a particularly 'leggy' creature!
Super Science!
Last Friday, 17th October, was Science day across the school.
Ms. Akister organised a fantastic visitor, Dr. Julie, who shared her amazing science knowledge on a variety of topics - including sound and forces- to name a few!
The 'Gang' stars then continued their learning into the afternoon through an exploration (which turned into a heated discussion!) of what makes a fruit, a fruit and a vegetable, a vegetable!
Do you know the difference?
London Eye: A bird's eye view!
We thoroughly enjoyed our trip into the capital. The weather was very kind to us and we were able to see some of the most famous London landmarks from an interesting perspective!
Port Lympne Safari: 'Out of Africa!'
Year Six spent a (rather cold) day venturing into 'Africa' and discovering some of the species that have adapted and evolved to survive in the 21st century. After a tour of the park, in camouflaged safari trucks, we were fortunate enough to attend a talk delivered by one of the conservationists at the park who gave us valuable information about how zoological organisations are working hard to stop some species becoming extinct.
A special mention must go to the wonderful team in the café, who worked tirelessly to provide 140+ children with mugs of steaming hot chocolate! They went down a treat!
"Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!"
Out of Africa: Term 3 exit point
On Friday 13th February (all dressed up for Pyjama day!) we invited the Year 4 classes to view our exit point exhibition for our term 3 topic.
The classroom was a hive of activity as Mr Tucker and Mrs Southin prepared the gallery and hung our posters; they detailed various aspects of the learning we had undertaken.
When Year 4 arrived, each of us was allocated a year 4 buddy; it was our job to guide our visitor around the classroom and explain the topic in more detail.
As you can see from our photos, it was a great way to finish the term!
Out of Africa exit pont
Term 4 Entry point: Space Explorers
Year 6 had a fantastic time at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich.
We took part in a variety of activities:
meeting our 'neighbours' in an informative planetarium show; exploring three interactive astronomy galleries; developing our understanding of the solar system in the 'Earth, Sun and Moon' workshop; and being inspired by the Astronomy photographers of the year!
It was an enjoyable and educational visit that is the perfect springboard for our curriculum work this term. Watch this space!
P.S. Please encourage your children to watch programmes and read literature related to our topic. We would welcome opportunities for children to share their home learning. Thank you!
In Space, no-one can hear you...having a good time!
Term 5 3D Designers
Our learning began with a Scratch workshop as our entry point. We learnt the importance of programming specific, clear instructions in order for a computer to successfully carry out a task. This is known as an algorithim. Believe it or not, computers are only as intelligent as the human brains that operate them! We continued our learning by creating a series of games that gradually increased in complexity. Additionally, we supplemented our computer design work with architectural tasks; we manually drew our futuristic buildings of the future and then used CAD (computer aided design) in the form of Lego Chrome software to create a computerised version of our initial sketches.
One thing is for sure, computers will continue to evolve as the thirst for human knowledge grows! Who knows what we will be using in the year 3000?
3D designers; our exit point
We reflected on our learning during the term and challenged ourselves to construct a 3D, multi-storied building, using our original sketches (which called upon our knowledge of isometric design and perspective).
We hope you enjoy viewing some of our successful architecture as well as viewing our learning in action!
3D Designers: exit point