Where learning, laughter, challenge and community responsibility are encouraged and celebrated!
Year 5 - Clever Crocs
Welcome to Clever Crocs!
Teacher: Miss Akister Associate Teacher: Miss Clarke
Welcome to Year 5 and Clever Crocs. My name is Miss Akister and in the class working alongside me is Miss Clarke. We are both very approachable so please feel free to come and talk to us after school or send an email if you wish to discuss anything at any time. Year 5 is an important year for your child so make sure they get plenty of sleep at night and come in happy and ready to learn. I look forward to a busy and productive year with your child.
Year 5 Images
Scroll Down to see our displays and work done by our Year 5 children.
If you have any green ideas or want to know about what we are up to, please email us at: littlegreen.planet@oakfield.kent.sch.uk
Well-Being Support Email
We are pleased to offer a secure and confidential outlet for your child to share some of their thoughts about their well-being. This will work very similarly to the ‘Worry Boxes’ presently in Years 1 to 6 classrooms where children can write their concerns. Simply by emailing, well.being@oakfield.kent.sch.uk your child can confidentially share any thoughts/feelings that are linked directly to their well-being. Emails will be checked daily by a senior teacher who will then offer them solutions.
Reading List
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
Term 5
Term 6
Latin - Meet the Family

Our Class Displays

Term 1 Fairground Rides





