Where learning, laughter, challenge and community responsibility are encouraged and celebrated!
Inspired Ways to Rio 2016 Archive
Inspired Ways to Rio
This year we are part of an exciting project called ‘Inspired Ways to Rio’. It is building on from the excitement of the London 2012 Olympic legacy ready for the Rio 2016 games. We want all of our pupils to be inspired to challenge themselves and be the best that they can be. Our aim is to increase pupils participation in physical activity, as well as giving them the skills and confidence to set challenges and complete them. The different ways Olympians and successful adults achieve positive well being, in order to complete their goals, will be studied and children will be encouraged to apply these to themselves when completing challenges.
Our Challenge:
The journey from London to Rio is 5761 miles. Staff and pupils have to ‘travel’ the road to Rio and complete or gain this many miles. This will be through a variety of additional physical and challenging activities. The staff have already contributed 240 miles when they completed the Major Series at the beginning of October. Pupils have also collected some miles; they've had Junior Bootcamp when 65 pupils completed a mile each and on our first Inspired day, Year 3 did activity bingo earning more than 5 miles. Every little helps!
Our challenge started in October 2015 and we have until July 2016 to complete it!
There will be six days throughout this academic year dedicated to this project, called ‘Inspired days’, however there will be some activities and trips on other days. Each day will have a slightly different focus, exciting activities and opportunities to gain miles. On some of the days there will be visitors such as Chris Cook, who visited us on our first Inspired day and trips linked to the project for selected pupils.
Every child will get an opportunity throughout the year to complete a new and challenging activity either on the school site or off the school site. The video below will give you a clue about some of the activities we will be doing.
A little clue about this exciting project we are taking part in!

Inspired Ways to Rio Day 5
Inspire Day 5 was on Friday 20th May 2016.
We had Main Event Wrestling visit us for the day . . . . . .. and what a day it was!
Although the wrestling we saw on our Inspire day was wrestling we watch for entertain, very similar to WWE, wrestling is a very disciplined sport and one that has been part of the Olympic Games since the ancient Olympic Games in 708 BC. Children that were involved got to watch a match between the two wrestlers; Flatliner and Andy Boy Simmons, which was followed by a serious talk about the training involved in wrestling. Flatliner made the children pledge to never try their moves at home or on the playground and shared his experience of sports with the children. Giving them a very strong message that there is sport out there for everyone, they just have to find the right one and never give up on their dream.
Year 6 also lead a mini Olympic Games for some of the younger children, showing their strong leadership skills.
Tag Team Wrestling

Inspired Ways to Rio Day 4
Thursday 10th March 2016. As always we had some very exciting activities planned. . .
Birchwood Golf Club are visiting us for the day, Skipping Workshops were with us on Wednesday 9th March and there was an amazing trip to the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park.
We took the High Speed train to Stratford International. Once we arrived we split into three groups. The largest group took part in a Swimathon at the London Aquatic Centre - they managed to swimming over 200 miles between them...we even had some year 2 children taking part!
The second group visited the ArcelorMittal Orbit getting a 360 degree view of the Olympic Park.
Finally, the last group visited the Lee Valley Hockey and Tennis Centre and watched the Under 14 girls England Hockey Championship.
It was a jammed packed day for everyone but we hope we have inspired some of our young Olympians.
The Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park
Inspired Ways to Rio Day 3
Superhero Within
The focus was 'Superheroes Within'; our own super powers and how we help others. We wanted this to be a real community event and get the children helping the community as much as possible. Here is what we got up to:
Some of our Superheroes
Year 2, 5 and 6 cleaned up the local area. Wow what a difference they made, we are very proud of them.

Our school choir visited a local care home. They sung and read to residents. To say they made the residents day would be an understatement! They were amazing.

Yer 5 and 6 pupils visited our local Co-op, helping shoppers with their shopping.
A small group of Year 3 children visited Jumpers Rebound and developed their jumping skills, whilst earning some Rio miles.

InspiRecipe: Kent's Community Chef worked with a small group of children, teaching them all about healthy eating and how to cook Olympic inspired recipes.

Inspired Ways to Rio Day 2 
Our second Inspired day, in term 2, had a relaxation and well being focus. When Chris Cook visited us in October he told us how he used yoga and meditation to clear his mind.This helped him and continues to help him achieve his goals, stay focused and maintain good mental well being. It is important to look after your physical health as well as your mental health.
There was a variety of activities taking place throughout the day such as meditation, art therapy, mindfulness activities, skiing, visualisation, yoga and Tai Chi.
Children also spent some of the day doing physical activities to collect miles for our journey to Rio. Fourteen children from year 1 to year 6 were chosen to go skiing at Chatham ski slope. They had a beginners lesson followed by a ride on the toboggan. The children (and adults) showed great resilience and despite all being nervous and doubting themselves were all absolutely amazing (well the children anyway!) The following day a small group of children from Oakfield and Temple Hill went ice-skating, again showing outstanding resilience and determination. Every single child was ice-skating on their own by the end of the 45 minute session. Our children never seize to amaze us and fill us with pride.
Here are some of the activities children took part in on day 2, including ice-skating and skiing.

Inspired Ways to Rio Day 1
On our first 'Inspired' day in term 1 Chris Cook, Olympic swimmer and friend of the school, visited our school. He shared his inspiring story with every year group as well as giving our older children advice about achieving their goals, staying determined and never giving up.
Children throughout the school thought about goals they might like to achieve this year and how they could start making steps towards achieving them.
Leading by Example!
The staff at both Temple Hill and Oakfield took part in the Major Series in October 2015. This was either 5km or 10km of pure muddy carnage!
Between them the covered 440 miles, which kick started the journey from London to Rio.
220 miles per school towards the Inspired Ways to Rio project.
A lot of the staff were a little worried they wouldn't be able to do it, that they would get left behind, they'd get hurt etc. However, they all stuck together, worked as a team and help each other through it. EVERY SINGLE PERSON FINISHED THE COURSE.
In October 2015 Charlotte from Energy, Fitness and Nutrition, visited us and carried out Junior Boot Camp. It was a tiring afternoon, but the children earned 65 miles towards London to Rio.