Where learning, laughter, challenge and community responsibility are encouraged and celebrated!
Reading Curriculum
Accelerated Reader Information - Leaflet to Parents
Reading Lists
Please find below a recommended reading list for each year group. The lists contain a range of books for different abilities. Books are not easily categorised by age, but by a child's personal interests and ability to read. Therefore you will notice that some books may appear on more than one year group list.
The lists are to help you be aware of the variety of good books out there, however it is more important that the child is able to read and enjoy their book. I would also recommend looking at reading lists for the years above or below your child's year group, especially if they are a strong reader or find reading difficult.
There is an additional attachment below which is provided by RWI (our Phonics and Literacy program). This contains a list of books which support the texts covered in the Literacy & Language groups for each year. Please also look at this for reading suggestions.