Where learning, laughter, challenge and community responsibility are encouraged and celebrated!
Year 1 - The Swashbucklers!
Year 1, Class A
Welcome to The Swashbucklers!
Teacher: Donna Christie Associate Teacher: Sharon Thomas Associate Teacher: Carol Chedzoy
Ahoy there!
Hop aboard our learning journey and explore what we are learning each term! We will be sharing lots of photos and information about what we are learning, so please keep checking back!
Our first topic in Term 1 was called 'Who Am I?' where we learnt all about ourselves, our similarities and differences and our families. We explored our senses and what we needed to stay healthy. We're now very healthy and strong pirates!
Term 2 is one of our busiest terms and we've so much to do! Our topic this term is called 'Water World'... perfect for pirates!
We'll be having a fun-packed pirate week where we will have our very own 'Pirate Day'. Ahoy!
Our IPC letter for this term highlights everything we will be learning, so please have a look at the bottom of the page for it.
In Term 4 we are becoming Time Travellers, travelling through time just like Dr Who! We're going to be exploring some of the famous people and events from British history... you may even see some familiar faces in our Term 4 gallery! Through our time travelling powers, we will be visiting WW2, the Romans, the Tudors and the Victorians. Get your passports ready!
Term 5 is one of my favourites! Our topic is called Plants and Insects and we get to have lots of fun investigating all the wonderful creatures in our gardens! We will be having a visit from a brilliant bee keeper who comes to our school every year as part of this topic and the children will absolutely love it! We will also be having our second school trip of the year, this time to Kent Life. I can't wait!
Please keep bringing the contact books into school every day. We have lots of things happening this term and we often put sticker notes into the contact books to keep you informed. Please keep checking them!
Year 1 Images
Scroll down to see displays and work by our Year 1 Children
If you have any green ideas or want to know about what we are up to, please email us at: littlegreen.planet@oakfield.kent.sch.uk
Well-Being Support Email
We are pleased to offer a secure and confidential outlet for your child to share some of their thoughts about their well-being. This will work very similarly to the ‘Worry Boxes’ presently in Years 1 to 6 classrooms where children can write their concerns. Simply by emailing, well.being@oakfield.kent.sch.uk your child can confidentially share any thoughts/feelings that are linked directly to their well-being. Emails will be checked daily by a senior teacher who will then offer them solutions.