Where learning, laughter, challenge and community responsibility are encouraged and celebrated!
Year 2 - The Incredibles
Welcome to Year 2C, The Incredibles
Teacher Associate Teacher
Aileen Small Cheryl Dedman
Welcome to our class page. This year will be very busy as we discover new things and explore our exciting topics but we will always make time to have fun and laughter along the way. Come and join us on our learning journey as we explore our topics this year. The Incredibles have many super talents that they would like to share with you all so we will be updating our class page regularly with our work and photos so please come back and have a look.
Our Classroom
Term 1 Pictures
Term 2 Fun!
Term 3 Photos
Term 4 Fun
Term 5 - Night Time
This term our topic for IPC is called 'Night Time!' Our topic this term is closely linked to Science and Geography although we will be having fun in Art and ICT lessons as well. During this topic we will be exploring all about the night sky and will be learning new scientific language to describe the stars and the planets. We will also be investigating nocturnal animals and how these animals are suited to their environments. We are all extremely excited about our trip to Wildwood this term as we will have the opportunity to look at some nocturnal animals on our visit!
Term 5 Photos
Parent Information
Reading List
Useful Documents
If you have any green ideas or want to know about what we are up to, please email us at: littlegreen.planet@oakfield.kent.sch.uk
Well-Being Support Email
We are pleased to offer a secure and confidential outlet for your child to share some of their thoughts about their well-being. This will work very similarly to the ‘Worry Boxes’ presently in Years 1 to 6 classrooms where children can write their concerns. Simply by emailing, well.being@oakfield.kent.sch.uk your child can confidentially share any thoughts/feelings that are linked directly to their well-being. Emails will be checked daily by a senior teacher who will then offer them solutions.