Where learning, laughter, challenge and community responsibility are encouraged and celebrated!
Year 4 - Fantastic Fours
Welcome to Year 4 and the Fantastic Fours' class page! We're very excited about this year's topics and I hope you enjoy seeing our progress in each of the terms.
Check out the photo gallery to see displays and photos of what we have been doing so far!
Term 1: This term we are acting as archaeologists, digging up information about Ancient civilisations including the Egyptians. We are looking forward to visiting the British Museum on Friday 17th October. We have been collecting lots of interesting information, artefacts and we hope to show these off at the end of term.
Term 2: At the start of this term our topic is called 'Bright Sparks' which means we'll be learning about light, electricity and all things bright! Scroll down to the gallery to see pictures of us building out own houses with 3 floors, live circuits and even switches! You can also see photos of our workshop where we built our own vehicles that held up a shoe!
Term 3: This term our Topic is called Active Planet and we have loved learning about volcanoes and earthquakes... Stay tuned to see pictures of us drawing and building our own 3-d volcanoes!
You can also see us celebrate Maths Day at Oakfield in some of the pictures below...Enjoy!
Meet the staff!
Year 4 Information
Reading List
British Museum Trip Letter
IPC letters
Classroom Displays
Term 2! Bright Sparks
Our Visit to the British Museum!
Term 1: Temples, Tombs and Treasures
If you have any green ideas or want to know about what we are up to, please email us at: littlegreen.planet@oakfield.kent.sch.uk
Well-Being Support Email
We are pleased to offer a secure and confidential outlet for your child to share some of their thoughts about their well-being. This will work very similarly to the ‘Worry Boxes’ presently in Years 1 to 6 classrooms where children can write their concerns. Simply by emailing, well.being@oakfield.kent.sch.uk your child can confidentially share any thoughts/feelings that are linked directly to their well-being. Emails will be checked daily by a senior teacher who will then offer them solutions