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Year 6 SATs Information
Year 6 SATs Information
Dear Parents and Carers,
As many of you will know, Year 6 SATs tests begin next week. The tests will take place from Monday 14h May to Thursday 17th May. All tests will take place in the morning.
Your child will be tested in English and maths. The English tests will consist of two grammar, punctuation and spelling (GPS) papers and a reading paper. The maths tests will consist of an arithmetic paper and two reasoning papers. The tests will take place on the following days:
Monday 14th May |
Tuesday 15th May |
Wednesday 16th May |
Thursday 17th May |
English GPS paper 1- questions
English GPS paper 2- spellings
English reading |
Mathematics Paper 1 – arithmetic
Mathematics Paper 2 - reasoning |
Mathematics Paper 3 - reasoning |
Attached to this letter is an information leaflet published by the Standards and Testing Agency. Further information can be found in a series of short videos which can be found at https://registration.livegroup.co.uk/sta.
Your child has been working incredibly hard throughout the year and we are all very proud of what they have achieved. It is really important that your child is in everyday for these tests so that they have the chance to demonstrate the fantastic progress they have made.
In order to help your child perform to their maximum potential in the tests, please make sure that they have a relaxing weekend without any last-minute ‘cramming’ or strenuous activity. Please make sure that your child goes to bed at a sensible hour so that they are fresh and well rested each morning. School staff will be running a ‘SATs breakfast’ each morning from 8:00 am for those that have signed up for it. If your child is not having breakfast at school, please make sure that they arrive at school on time and having had breakfast at home.
Should your child be unwell on the morning of the tests, please try to send them in for the tests and they can be collected straight after. However, if your child is unable to come in due to severe sickness, then please call the school immediately to inform us of their absence.
We would like to thank all of the children for their effort and hard work over the past year and wish them the very best of luck for next week.
Many thanks,
Richard Moore
Deputy Headteacher