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Macmillan Coffee Morning - 29th September

Macmillan Coffee Morning
and Non-Uniform Day

Friday 29th September 2017


Non-Uniform Day

All children can wear something green in support of Macmillan Cancer Support.


Coffee and Cake Morning

Come along to the canteen from 8:30am and enjoy some coffee and cakes. All funds raised will go towards supporting a great cause.


Cake Donations

For this to happen, we need your contributions of cakes. Please could you drop any cakes (home baked or shop bought) to the canteen on the morning of Friday 29th September or to the school office after school on Thursday 28th September. All contributions will be greatly appreciated.

Please remember that we are a no-nut school and any cakes that you kindly donate should not contain any nuts.

All left over cakes will be on sale in the playground after school.



Where learning, laughter, challenge and community responsibility are encouraged and celebrated!
